Jacaranda Pod Large 8cm (Pack of 3)
Jacaranda Pod Large 8cm (Pack of 3)
Jacaranda Pod Large 8cm (Pack of 3)
Jacaranda Pod Large 8cm (Pack of 3)

Jacaranda Pod Large 8cm (Pack of 3)

Product Code: J0tacuI
£3.60 inc. tax

The Jacaranda tree (Jacaranda mimosifolia) is a beautiful tropical tree that produces clusters of fragrant purple panicle-shaped blooms. Jacaranda branches are arched, forming a canopy shaped like an upturned umbrella. The jacaranda tree makes an excellent shade (or street) tree with its fern-like leaves that can grow up to 20 inches in length. It is a fast-growing tree in a tropical environment, gaining about ten feet a year in its first years of life. 

The fruit of the jacaranda tree is a dry round brown pod that is one to three inches wide and typically develops in late summer.  

The pods look great in an aquatic blackwater setup and are a great producer of natural fungi known as biofilm. 

These items are sourced from local or sustainable locations from around the globe and free from polutants and chemicals* 

Item Contents:

3x Jacaranda Pod Large (approx 8cm)  

*Although every measure has been taken to ensure items are free from polutants and chemicals as with any natural item this is not a guarentee. Proper preperation prior to adding them to any aquarium with livestock is recommended.

Product Code: J0tacuI
Product Condition : New
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