The chestnuts are the deciduous trees and shrubs in the genus Castanea, in the beech family Fagaceae. They are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
he unrelated horse chestnuts (genus Aesculus) are not true chestnuts, but are named for producing nuts of similar appearance that are mildly poisonous to humans. True chestnuts should also not be confused with water chestnuts, which are tubers of an aquatic herbaceous plant in the sedge family Cyperaceae.
The Chestnut Leaf - The chestnut has always been known as a festive treat in the UK around the autumn and winter periods in which many cook the nut. These leaves however, are great for the fishkeeping hobbyist looking to give their aquarium a new and interesting leaf to add to their collection.
These leaves are approx are a mixed variety of lengths and are a perfect addition to any "Blackwater" Setup.
Item Contains:
20x Chestnut Leaf
These items are sourced from local or sustainable locations from around the globe and free from polutants and chemicals*
*Although every measure has been taken to ensure items are free from polutants and chemicals as with any natural item this is not a guarentee. Proper preperation prior to adding them to any aquarium with livestock is recommended.