Many of the freshwater kept within the home aquariums generally come from tropical countries such as Asia and South America and are subject to a completely different climate than other countries. In addition to this the fishes require different water parameters to ultimately thrive so replicating the water conditions found in nature is the aim when bringing them into our homes. Generally fish from these areas thrive in more softer water with lower PH levels around the 4.6 – 6.5 region.
Some excellent fish that are from these areas and live in these specific conditions are:
- Bolivian Ram
- Hatchetfish
- Cardinal Tetra's
- Discus
- Dwarf Puffer
- Angelfish
Although not limited to the above but many fish also look fantastic with the tinted water, it's all a case of experimenting with the water parameters you have and what could work, lets face it most fish will appreciate a more natural environment to live in as apposed to those bright lights and crystal clear water.